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News - 05-11-2018 - Wendy Riordan - 0 comments

Certain properties in major cities have price tags that allow the budget for vertical transport within the building to exceed those we would normally consider. Access to higher floors needs to be comfortable, automatic and stress free, ultimately the aesthetics of any lifting device should match the quality of the building. In general a client must choose from a basic range product with the option of adding finishes to suit their taste, but this in itself is limiting. For the few there will be the requirement to translate vision, the extraordinary, into reality. We'll not say cost is no object but the expenditure required to creating totally unique bespoke products will never be comparable to an "off the shelf" base product. Very few companies can or indeed want to supply this service however Hoistway can and do.

Utilising our unique design partnerships with cutting edge suppliers across Europe we offer our bespoke build project service to those who desire the genuine "wow" factor. We aim to provide quality and reliability on a "fair value" basis.

Ultimately this type of project relies on trust. Trust to allow us to translate the images in a practical and achievable way, trust to deliver the project in budget and within a prescribed time frame. Trust in our team to make the seemingly impossible, possible.

To aid you in developing this trust consider one of our London projects, in some ways seeing is believing! I hope you agree that this stunning installation is architecturally bonded to the building, reflecting the grandeur and opulence of its location. We as engineers are proud of our work here, it stretches and challenges our abilities bringing pleasure and satisfaction. If you have that vision but need a partner to join you in delivering that aspiration then please contact us at our special projects department on 01935 823369.

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